Lead Pastor / Elder

Sean first attended Hespeler Baptist Church as a non-Christian at age 17. Through the preaching of the gospel and the friendship of Christians, God showed him of his need to repent of his sin, believe in Jesus Christ and be saved. From there Sean attended Heritage Bible College, graduating with a Bachelor of Religious Education in 2009, the same year he came on staff full time (part time in 2008). In 2011 Sean was ordained with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada. Sean has been serving as lead pastor since September 2013. In 2023 he received his Master of Divinity from Heritage Seminary. He is married to Meredith and they have four children - Cole, Luke, Hallë and Isaiah.


Associate Pastor of Ministries Development / Elder

Caleb repented of his sins, and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of six. He has attended Hespeler Baptist Church since 2012. Before beginning his pastoral degree at Heritage College and Seminary, in 2011, Caleb took a year of BioMedical Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia. In January 2016, Caleb was hired as a full time Associate Pastor and oversees our youth/kids' ministries, integration ministry as well as life groups. In 2022 Caleb was ordained with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada.  Caleb is married to Brianna and they have 2 sons, Nathan and Samuel. Some of his favourite pastimes are reading, hiking, hockey, and music.


Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Biblical Counselling / Elder

Kevin trusted in Jesus at age seven. He grew up in a small town in northern Minnesota and moved to Minneapolis where he studied Bible and social science at the University of Northwestern, St. Paul. Next, he studied Christian education, theology, and ministry at Bethel Seminary. Following this he entered full time ministry at a downtown Minneapolis church. There he met his wife, Leanna who has been on this journey with him for over 12 years. After 20 years of ministry in Minneapolis, Kevin returned to school to Westminster Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he studied biblical counselling. He helped plant a church along with Leanna in Minnesota while counselling professionally. In 2022, Kevin was called to full time discipleship and counselling ministry at Hespeler Baptist Church. His pastimes are reading, biking, hiking, playing board games, Lego, puzzles, good food, great coffee, and experiencing hygge.

Sergei Li

Associate Pastor of Administration / Elder

Sergei was born in Kazakhstan and grew up in Belgium and Quebec. He accepted Christ as his Saviour and repented of his sins at the age of 10. Sergei attended the Word of Life Bible Institute in South Korea . After returning to Quebec, Sergei started to work for his church as an intern and was in charge of youth and communications. He later worked for Église Le Sentier and the National Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches as the coordinator for Francophone Ministries. Sergei is finishing his M.A in Christian Leadership with Northwest Baptist Seminary. Sergei joined Hespeler Baptist Church in September 2023 as the Associate Pastor of Administration.  Sergei is married to Kelci and they have three children - James, Olivia and Sophia. 

Jenn gowing

Kids Ministries Director

Jenn came to faith in Christ as a teen after being exposed to the gospel at a summer camp.  She went on to study at Heritage College where she received her Bachelor of Christian School Education.  She began attending HBC while a student at Heritage and met and married her husband, Craig in 2007.  They have 2 children, Owen and Piper and the world's greatest dog, Birdy.  Jenn came on staff at HBC in August 2022 and oversees our kids ministry from Nursery through Grade Five.  Jenn is passionate about sharing her faith and introducing others to Jesus. She enjoys being outside, swimming in the lake, reading and spending time with her family.


Church Administrator

Sharon began attending Hespeler when she was in university and since that time she has been actively involved in many different areas of ministry (teaching Sunday School, leading Youth programs and Ladies Bible studies to name a few) in our church family. In 2000 she joined our staff as Church Administrator. Sharon manages the day-to-day operations within our office as well as providing support to our various ministries. Sharon gets joy out of helping others and considers it a privilege to be able serve the Lord in this way.


According to the New Testament, elders are those who are responsible for the primary leadership and oversight of the church. According to Alexander Strauch in his book Biblical Eldership: “Elders:
  • lead the church [1 Tim 5:17; Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 5:1–2], 
  • teach and preach the Word [1 Timothy 3:2; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9], 
  • protect the church from false teachers [Acts 20:17, 28–31], 
  • exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine [1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 3:13–17; Titus 1:9], 
  • visit the sick and pray [James 5:14; Acts 6:4], and 
  • judge doctrinal issues [Acts 15:6]. 
In biblical terminology, elders shepherd, oversee, lead, and care for the local church” (16).

The roles of pastor and elder are not considered two separate offices of the church, but rather two different words for the same office. Although elders may not be responsible for preaching the Word regularly on a Sunday, they still play a large role in shepherding and caring for the church body.

Keith Burrow

Scott Kinsinger

Mike Stocks